Roseanderson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Chat recap for #smbiz twitter chat on how to create a webinar. Experts from WebEx, Ragan Communications and Rally Point Webinars, discuss technical aspects of setting up a webinar, promotion it, best practices for speakers, paid vs. free and follow-up for sales. Read More

Tips For Creating A Disaster Preparedness Plan

Tips For Creating A Disaster Preparedness Plan - Avatar Posted by SternalMrktg under Resources
From 5512 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 1, 2009 1:33 am
Here are some great tips and lots of background information on how to prepare your small business for a disruption through emergency. Read More
Discussing what PR is, what it isn't, why you should be doing PR and how to do different PR tactics to promote your business, product or service. Great resource for small businesses who are looking for "do-it-yourself" public relations info. Read More
There is nothing more annoying than putting effort in a prospect to then end up following up with no effect, but procrastinating and delaying is detrimental to both the seller and the buyer as it wastes time. You may not notice it but you are expending energy that could be saved quite easily. Read More
Big software companies have made billions selling separate software programs that handle different parts of a company's operations, from managing customer contacts to tracking invoices. Georgetown, Texas-based iKnowWare aims to simplify things--and then some--by offering easy-to-use software that allows users access to any data, at any time, from Read More
Despite not having a panel of its own at SMX Advanced this year (maybe next year, Danny?), it seems to me that Local Search is coming of age right before our eyes. Local has now reached a level of prominence where it's time for SEO companies (and large, location-sensitive companies who do their search marketing in-house) to truly start thinking a Read More
So inspiring that inspite of what the current situation is, a media company still get this kind of revenue from ad alone. Read More

Compelling Argument Against Cold Calling

Compelling Argument Against Cold Calling - Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Sales
From 5513 days ago
Made Hot by: salesevangelist on May 28, 2009 7:08 am
Cold calling is described in heroic terms: beating a path to the prized customer; crossing the many obstacles and walls of protection to find the elusive buyer; wrangling and competing against the many other sales people pursuing the same prize. After breathless battle and hard work the sales person... Read More
In early May 2009, Patrick Connor and Paul Cherry of Performance Based Results led a select group of seasoned senior executives on our first ExecuCross Bike Trip. Read about our adventure along the Great Allegheny Passage Trail, and how it helped us become stronger leaders -- and how you can join us on our next trip this fall! Read More

Networking and the Art of Conversation

Networking and the Art of Conversation - Avatar Posted by BizBox under Marketing
From 5513 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 28, 2009 7:04 pm
An interview with Don Gabor, author of the new How To Turn Small Talk into Big Deals. Read More

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