Roseanderson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The whole topic of coaching stirs up a lot of controversy and misunderstanding.  I've decided dive in and stir up the pot a little and will be writing a few Read More
Having an active blog synced to your website can do great things for your online marketing such as keeping fresh content pumping in, providing additional opportunities for new inbound links, adds credibility to your business and can increase your overall traffic volume to not just your blog but to Read More
Learn who to create a sales funnel that converts prospective customers into repeat paying customers. Too many small business owners don't have their sales funnel planned out and this causes them to lose out on sales. Read More
There are plenty of ‘little guys’ in the blogging world, you may very likely be one of them – and that’s okay – we all have to start somewhere. If you want to get your name out there, the best trick in the world is to promote other blogs. Read More
The Hitachi Foundation’s approach to social entrepreneurship is different from what you may have seen from other enterprises or programs. The Foundation is seeking to fund an ethnically and geographically diverse group of young business leaders who have developed a viable business model that provid Read More

The Frustrations of Being a Startup

The Frustrations of Being a Startup - Avatar Posted by mikeholmes under Startups
From 4969 days ago
Made Hot by: globalcopywrite on November 9, 2010 5:19 am
Being a startup is frustrating. Better yet, it sucks! It sucks because you have big dreams but those dreams don't line up with reality...yet. It goes much slower than it should. Any inevitably out come frustration... Read More
When asked to consult with a business, and challenged to make the biggest impact in the shortest amount of time, I always go to work on lead conversion first. Read More
Do you know it's possible to create a welcome tab (or sub-tabs) easily from facebook applications? Here are 5 impressive apps you should know for an easy DIY. Read More
Are creative entrepreneurs looking to impact the world or make a profit and run a business? Some reflections on thoughts from Jason Calacanis and David Heinemeier Hansson. Read More
n the past week I have spoken with two different people who found out that indeed, transitioning their site from the old design to the new one can result in the loss of good search rank. You would think that the web developer is the one to blame here (and in some cases it is the fault of the web de Read More

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