Sannwood voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Interview with Sean Malarkey on the behind-the-scenes details of his recent $500,000 product launch with Lewis Howes. Read More
Corporations and Social Media: Watch Dave Kerpen, author of Likeable Social Media talk about Corporations and social media and what corporations have to start doing. Read More
If you have ever taken a yoga class, your practice most likely has ended with the word Namaste. The Western world has translated this ancient Sanskrit word to mean, “The good in me sees the good in you.”

How might you translate this connection of inner goodness once you hop onto a social media c Read More
Next generation cloud based online software are all about simplicity and function, which integration can deliver through APIs

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Having a blog is great, but if readers aren't engaged, they will soon get bored and move on or trickle down to just a few of the faithful. Read More

Blogging Frequency: How To Choose The Right One?

Avatar Posted by janesheeba under News
From 4652 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on January 4, 2012 8:08 am
Blogging frequency is an overrated notion. Find out how to choose the right blogging frequency that fits you and your blog. Read More
Fortune Marketing Company coaches and implements small business marketing ideas and systems that work. Read More

Be Smart with Social Media, Protect Your Finances

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Finance
From 4653 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on January 3, 2012 8:50 pm
Your social media profile can provide scammers with personal information, as well as provide banks and other financial service providers with information that allows them to build a consumer profile, and decide whether or not your business would be a good credit risk. Read More
The trends in franchising are going to be impacted by three things in 2012. Read what they are, and plan accordingly. Remember that you can plan plans, but you can't plan results... Read More
For the past several months, I haven’t given this blog too much attention. But I’m back in full force now for 2012, and there are some great things in the works that’ll make the blog better than ever. Read More

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