Sawarams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Every day customers get bombarded with various products and services, while the competition for their attention rapidly soars. If you’re in business, you shouldn’t wait for consumers to approach you. Instead, make efforts to engage them with your brand in creative ways. Read More
Once upon a time, blogs used to be one of the points of interaction over the internet, where a long post with tremendous information would be lovingly read by the people, with loads of patience.

One thing is quite clear that people want to grab more for less. So they diverted to visual content. Read More

6 Indispensable Ways To Reach Out To More Candidates - Tweak Your Biz

Avatar Posted by sawarams under Marketing
From 3245 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on September 9, 2015 12:39 pm
Recruitment is often neglected and put on the back burner as a support function. Organisations tend to forget that any resources but the Human Resources can be duplicated by a competitor.

With the advancement of technology, companies are changing the way to reach out to their employee. Read More
How often have you noticed spanking new billboards on a roadside or on public transport? Many time perhaps?

It’s curious to know what exactly makes some already well-known brands place these billboards. Is it to attract audience, drive sales or to simply enhance brand visibility?
Read More

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