Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Ebook publishing is increasingly becoming one of the most profitable online business ventures ever conceived, especially when it comes to "how to" and "niche" topics. In fact, non-fiction instructional ebooks out sell all other varieties of ebooks five to one. This is due to the fact that Read More
Please bear in mind that this list is not comprehensive but it contains the major points that you should remember. As long as you follow these laws, you should be able to stay clear of any trouble. Also, keep in mind that the most important thing to remember when creating any kind of advertising ma Read More
How would you like to see your hotel-room's view BEFORE you walk up to your room? A Silicon Valley start-up has produced the technology to let you do just that. Read More
Make riveting presentations for your nonprofit or social enterprise: Use your voice and your story to draw people in. Ventureneer webinar you shows how. Read More
The first post in a series about SEO, this article discusses the sometimes not-so-obvious truth about SEO, such as: it takes time, and it is constantly debated. SEO is an art as much as it is a science, and it's important that small businesses who hire people to tackle their SEO know this! Read More
A review of a book about how you can use online community to better you business. Find out what it takes to grow your online community. Read More
Your online identity is going further, faster and with more impact than ever before, yet many of us miss out on the seemingly obvious SEO power of our personal and company biographies. Read More
Change is stressful. To some, it might even be painful. When our daily routine gets interrupted, whether it’s for a short while or long-term, we are forced to step out of our comfort zone. What kinds of lessons would we learn if our work routine was suddenly interrupted? Read More
Customer Testimonials: Make it super easy for your customer to help you. Here’s a simple and effective way to solicit and secure great testimonials. Read More

The Use And Misuse Of Stock Photography In Websites

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 4957 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on February 25, 2011 12:17 am
If you are going to put a photo of two business people shaking hands up on your website then why not take a photo of YOU shaking the hand of one of your current customers and put this up on your website... Read More

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