Sophia2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Too many people share articles on Twitter, and other social media sites, too much. They share to get reciprocal shares, they share to be “relevant” or “popular”, they share because they have nothing else to say. You might think I’m crazy, but I actually read every post that I share. Read More
The fact is, working from home IS a tremendous blessing. But, it also comes with some unique challenges. And while everyone’s personal situation tends to be a little different, here are a five important lessons I’ve learned along the way. Read More

Top Qualities To Become a Successful Blogger - My Magic Fundas

Avatar Posted by nirmalablog under Resources
From 4021 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on September 30, 2013 8:45 pm
Blogging is not a one day game to see the result of your work. It may take several months/years to reach your goals. Instead of getting discouragement, try to practice the above listed qualities to improve your blog by attracting more people to it.

I listed some top qualities to become a success Read More
Calculating the ROI of promotional products isn't always easy. One successful case study? Bobbleheads, which aren't just a trend -- they're big business. Read More

7 New Tax Changes Every Entrepreneur Needs To Know - Forbes

Avatar Posted by Exit Promise under Taxes
From 4021 days ago
Made Hot by: Llewellyn on October 2, 2013 4:19 am
President Obama’s Administration put forth a proposal for the fiscal year 2014 federal budget several months ago. Included in the Administration’s 256-page explanation  are many significant proposed changes for taxpayers, including entrepreneurs. As America watches the political showdown this week. Read More

Lazy Nation? Shopping is Getting Easier Thanks to Tech

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Technology
From 4022 days ago
Made Hot by: cherry93 on October 1, 2013 10:31 pm
Businesses are increasingly turning to the Internet to sell their products. Here's just a handful of some of the most impressive ones on the market right now. Read More
When it comes to running a successful website, traffic isn’t enough. Your conversion rate needs to be up there too. If yours is abysmal, don’t worry.

There are plenty of quick, easy and affordable ways to improve it. Read More

4 Big Hairy Audacious Goals Social Media Triumphs

Avatar Posted by airabongco under Social Media
From 4022 days ago
Made Hot by: BIZantium on October 1, 2013 3:28 am
Are you maximizing the use of your social media accounts? Here are some goals that you should target so that you can make your accounts active and more engaging. Read More

Yonyx Review - Interactive Self-Service

Avatar Posted by GetApp under Technology
From 4022 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on September 27, 2013 1:47 pm
When troubleshooting a problem with a product or service, customers are frequently faced with finding & reviewing complicated articles that are difficult to follow. Long winded articles that have to be reviewed while skipping over sections not relevant to you can feel daunting, and moving back and Read More

How To Launch Your New Business For Less Than $1,500

Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Startups
From 4022 days ago
Made Hot by: LadySophy on September 25, 2013 12:15 am
Many entrepreneurs delay launching their startup because they believe they don’t have enough money to move forward. Startups can be expensive, but they don’t have to be. The Founder Institute has put together a 10 steps plan for launching a business for under $1,500. Read More

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