Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Before you start a marketing campaign you need to ask yourself what you want the goal of that campaign to be. Defining the goal will not only help you decide what type of campaign strategy will work best, but also, the best way to target and execute your chosen strategy.

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Many small business owners are beginning to use Twitter for business. ReTweets on Twitter can be very powerful. Read this post to see how you can get ReTweeted. Read More
There is always things in business that we are not comfortable with. It's important to consider the benefits and this will help drive you to complete the task. Read More
My son is a high-school senior, which means that the volume of college recruiting direct mail has been careening into our home mailbox faster than the Long Island RR rolling into Penn Station at rush hour. As my friend Helen Klein Ross has pointed out, direct mail marketing may be in decline in most places… but it's alive and well and thriving in college marketing. Read More
Gurus and Internet Marketing mentors will attempt to give you numerous ways in which to increase email open rate. Here are the best ways which I use with greater open rate. Read More

Small Business Starting to Use Social Media Successfully

Avatar Posted by TomBirches under Social Media
From 5325 days ago
Made Hot by: jnelson on March 4, 2010 2:01 am
I talk about small business Internet marketing more than anything else since a lot of people that I know are small business people. That’s why I blog about their experiences and their issues because these people are often viewed as the backbone of any true economic recovery that might take place. Read More
If you are aiming to win market share from your local market competitors then communicating in local market languages makes sense. If we care to interact and communicate with the customers in these regions – we can do business. By interacting in their language – we are INCREASING our chances of being successful. It's Glocal: Think Global, Market Local. Multi-lingual websites enable organisations Read More
Google introduced Google Starred Results and what does this mean for search engine optimization and search engine marketers? The basic idea is, searchers can now ‘star’ items that appear in search results and when they conduct the search again, all the starred results will appear on top of all other search result items. Read More
As both a literary writer and business blogger I use my system "The Idea Warehouse" to ensure that the next topic for a posting or article is only one click away. Give it a try and ensure that you'll never be hit by business-blog writer's-block again. Read More
Several weeks ago, Chris Brogan wrote about using mind mapping to collect his thoughts and organize information for blog posts, speeches, etc. I did some research and found a product called MindMeister that has allowed me to create a graphical representation of the online marketing universe. Since there are so many communication tools/services/platforms available, I’ve decided to break it down Read More

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