Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

During a recent radio show interview, the host made a passing comment that struck a chord for me. She said something like this: Sometimes the biggest asset you bring to your company can become your most limiting factor. Since I do a great deal of work helping people discover and release limitations, her comment rang true.

Is it possible that the very thing that makes you an asset to your com Read More

By way of introduction this SEO FAQ: 30+ SEO questions you always wanted an answer to was started by Berlin-based SEO specialist, Tad Chef. He has challenged at least 10 other SEO specialists to create FAQs that will outrank “fake” SEO FAQs for the search term SEO FAQ.

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This article adresses the concerns of small business bloggers who worry about their small subscriber lists Read More
Interview with the author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR David Meerman Scott one of our must read books for entrepreneurs. Read More
Todd Sattersten, author of Four Simple Lessons About Cost, Price, Margin and The Options Available to The 21st Century Business, was a guest on my radio show recently. I asked him: What are these 4 simple lessons about cost, price, margin and the options available to 21st century businesses? Read More
There are several blogging communities that allow you to create your own blog within a community and then, there are also blog directories where your self-hosted blog content is aggregated and accessible to all visitors and subscribers. Read More
Google Image Search is the version of Google dedicated to images and it is a very effective technique for your search engine marketing strategy and implicitly for your search engine optimisation strategy. Read More
Last night we were at the Weedle offices for a (very much awaited) sneak preview. The beta service goes out today and is quite promising. In a nutshell: The objective is to allow you to find the right individuals for the right task (not necessarilly job) anywhere in the world and be found as an individual by people. Read More

Social Media Marketing - Waste of Time. | Marketing

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Social Media
From 5324 days ago
Made Hot by: thursdayb on March 5, 2010 10:27 pm
Social media is still being looked at as a waste of time by many businesses. Unwilling to take the time to understand how to approach it or to realise it's benefits, it is dismissed as a fad. To their misfortune. Read More

7 Advanced Habits of Highly Effective Speakers

Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Self-Development
From 5324 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on March 7, 2010 9:16 pm
Like it or not, marketing executives are expected to deliver great presentations. And while some marketing executives are competent public speakers, practicing the following advanced tips can take a communicator from “good to great”. Public speaking, like any other craft takes discipline, commitment and plenty of practice. Read More

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