Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Businesses Should Stay Off Twitter. Here's Why.

Avatar Posted by ZaneSafrit under Social Media
From 5533 days ago
Made Hot by: on August 5, 2009 5:26 pm
Here's all the reasons businesses should stay off of Twitter. It's all the reasons many businesses give to ignore Twitter and it's power. Read More

The Three Natural Phases of Successful Small Business Growth

Avatar Posted by ducttape under Marketing
From 5533 days ago
Made Hot by: on August 5, 2009 5:26 pm
I've owned a small business for many years and have worked with thousands of small business along the way and I've come to sense what feel like natural states of successful small business growth. Read More

Small business under attack?

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From 5533 days ago
Made Hot by: ruth on August 5, 2009 5:24 pm
Jeff Cornwall of The Entrepreneurial Mind, a tireless defender of the free enterprise system raises the alarm on his blog about a study he says uses biased information to question the importrance of small business to the U.S. economy. If politics and its impact on the economy in general and small business and entrepreneurship specifically is a top Read More
From the blog Traffikd, here are six ways niche social media sites can benefit your blog and brand alot more than big social media sites like Digg. Smaller more niched sites may closer fit your own business or blogging niche thus having a greater chance of attracting the kinds of readers and customers you are hoping to connect with. Smaller niche Read More
Okay, maybe not quite as exciting, but to experience a great holiday or to enjoy success with your business there are a number of similar actions you need to take. When you plan your holiday or develop a marketing plan for your business you are more likely to enjoy a greater holiday experience or in the case of your business increased sales and pr Read More
How do you collect on delinquent accounts without damaging the customer relationship? How do you manage the balance between keeping a steady stream of new clients coming through the door, servicing your existing clients, and keeping the accounting books even? Read More
Steve Strauss, USAToday's Small Business Expert, shared these three tips recently in an interview on BlogTalk Radio. Read More

SCORE: How to finance a startup business

Avatar Posted by arthurbland under Finance
From 5534 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on August 4, 2009 8:19 pm
I want to start a new auto repair business. I have some savings but will need a business line of credit to tide me over until I can generate enough revenue to pay the bills and provide a steady income for my family. What are my options? A: Steven, if what's standing between you and starting your own business is a lack of money there are a number Read More
If you plan on selling your business, it will help you to understand the different types of buyer. Each buyer who inquires will have their own unique reason to want to buy. By talking with the buyer, understanding their needs and then placing them in one of the categories below, will help you understand what they are looking for so you are better p Read More

Small Business Vanishes

Avatar Posted by roseanderson under Strategy
From 5534 days ago
Made Hot by: jnelson on August 4, 2009 3:44 pm
There are all kinds of small business owners in Russia. Some of them operate clubs and restaurants, some run Western-style advertisement, IT or legal consulting businesses, some are fixing teeth or noses, some are building homes, some repair cars, some grow tomatoes and wheat and many operate retail shops selling food, clothing, cars, antiques, or Read More

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