Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Productivity Map - From Followers To Producers

Avatar Posted by edragonu under Self-Development
From 5521 days ago
Made Hot by: andynew on August 17, 2009 2:05 pm
A diagram based on your goal and discipline levels. These levels combined are creating your productivity patterns. Read More

Are You Busy Being Busy With Your Small Business Marketing?

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 5521 days ago
Made Hot by: heatherwills on August 17, 2009 1:10 pm
“Drive thy business or it will drive thee.” By Benjamin Franklin. How often do you reply to the question, “How is business” with “I am sooo busy”. If you gently probe a little more, busy being busy does not actually mean more customers or more business from customers. It may just mean you are letting your business drive you and you are not in cont Read More
It is easy to see the obvious differences in different cultures, but we sometimes forget to look for the differences in rules and regulations in different countries. When we dig a bit deeper and try to understand the reason behind these different rules, we may stumble across the key to a deeper knowledge of this different culture. Read More

Social media: Win friends and influence customers

Avatar Posted by biancaaquino under Social Media
From 5521 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on August 17, 2009 2:12 pm
In social media, the vehicles are pretty apparent to everyone. We have Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Flickr, YouTube, blogs, etc. How hard can it be? They are all free and are all tempting you to use them to reach out to customers. If you are responsible for the marketing of your organization, the subject has been broached by now, “What Read More

6 Essential Social Media Tools for Start-Ups

Avatar Posted by biancaaquino under Social Media
From 5521 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on August 17, 2009 2:17 pm
If you are starting up a new company that primarily goes from business to consumer, without a big budget in marketing or PR, your best chance for getting your message across will be via social media. Most start-ups or major corporations which adopt social media tools to market and engage their customers in Southeast Asia, are essentially in the IT, Read More

What is a Tweetup?

Avatar Posted by McLaughlin under Social Media
From 5522 days ago
Made Hot by: aliciatrinidad on August 17, 2009 3:46 pm
A Tweetup is: * A gathering of people who use Twitter * It can be a general geographic Tweetup like a Tweetup of people in Vancouver * It can be a Tweetup for a cause where Twitter friends organize a get together to do something for the community * It can be topical such as a Tweetup for martial artists, cyclists or people who are in the socia Read More

Social Media is a Culture, Not Just a Strategy

Avatar Posted by McLaughlin under Social Media
From 5522 days ago
Made Hot by: heatherwills on August 17, 2009 1:13 pm
We all know the basic buzz words of social media, “Twitter Marketing, Facebook Strategy, Community Building”. The problem with these terms are they allude to an idea that once you build a strategy for these platforms, you'll be able to fully leverage social media. As much as people may disagree with me; I believe that before a company can fully us Read More

17 Hot Biz Tips for Private Co.s

Avatar Posted by TonyJohnston_CNi under Management
From 5524 days ago
Made Hot by: roseanderson on August 15, 2009 11:11 am
Welcome to my Guy Kawasaki advice mash-up - my take on Guy's advice for entrepreneurs and CEOs that he offered during a couple of recent talks. These are ideas that can help you get your company's 'ducks all lined up' and your organization 'firing on all cylinders'. Read More

LinkedIn the 11 Most Powerful Features For Small Business

Avatar Posted by JoshAK under Social Media
From 5524 days ago
Made Hot by: McLaughlin on August 14, 2009 6:58 pm
I've read a lot of articles lately about using LinkedIn this one is different in that it takes on the topic of specific tools and why to use them. Do you have any favorites to add to the list? Read More
6 categories, 26 reasons. And your company still isn't on Twitter? Read More

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