Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

5 Tips for Managing Social Media Marketing Expectations

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Social Media
From 5541 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbiztrends on July 29, 2009 3:02 pm
You may not know it, but if you're taking a stab at social media marketing and you're doing it on a whim, then you're setting yourself up for failure. As with any other business tactic, you need to have a clear plan and manage expectations. Read More

Business.Gov; An Amazing Small Business Resource

Avatar Posted by franpro under Resources
From 5541 days ago
Made Hot by: ajayjoya on July 28, 2009 3:23 pm
The Business.Gov website just keeps getting better. Now, there's even a community area... Read More

1 Step to Boost Productivity by Up to 40%

Avatar Posted by ZaneSafrit under Human Resources
From 5541 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 28, 2009 3:25 pm
Could you use a 40% increase in your productivity? What if you could achieve that with taking one step? That step is engage your employees. Read More
According to a recently released report by BabyCenter, moms of young children are increasingly using social media. Sixty three percent of the 25,000 women questioned reported being active on social networks, up from 11 percent in a similar study in 2006. Patch spoke with a few local moms to see if BabyCenter's results were accurate for the moms in Read More

4 reasons this is a great time to start a business

Avatar Posted by ZaneSafrit under Startups
From 5541 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 28, 2009 3:23 pm
These are but 4 of the reasons that now is a good time to start a business. Read More

10 tips for making your business more efficient

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Management
From 5541 days ago
Made Hot by: ferdinandtan on July 28, 2009 3:25 pm
From Cisco Systems, here are 10 tips for making your business more efficient. No matter how large or small your business, making it operate efficiently can be critical especially in a tough economy. In fact, according to the post, companies that fail to improve on efficiency will sooner or later find themselves out of business entirely. Read More
Robert Miller, a financial journalist with the UK's Daily Telegraph gives tips for small and medium-sized enterprises in an economic downturn. The suggestions including meeting with key staff to determine operational efficiency and reaching out to chambers and other business organizations for help. The suggestions are probably important to consid Read More
If you own or operate a brand, whether it is a big company, a small business, or just your name, email newsletters have become a popular way of adding value for your clients, customers, or friends. Read More
Twitter's the most talked about, still misunderstood, business tool going these days. It is indeed a great tool to create connections, promote your brand and generate traffic to your web site, but there's much more to it for business if you dig a bit. Read More

The Well Lit Path

Avatar Posted by ducttape under Marketing
From 5542 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 28, 2009 3:07 am
The other day I was conducting an educational workshop for folks interested in becoming Duct Tape Marketing Coaches. At one point I talked about presenting workshops as the primary way that coaches acquired customers and that it was an essential success factor for prospective coaches to consider. Read More

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