Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Jeff Castle suggests these 8 small business advertising tips from In Business Watch the video. Read More
The crowd pleasing fights at the end of each movie were never about the opponent, rather they were about Rocky taking control of his life despite overwhelming odds, and taking the initiative to personally overcome obstacles and maintain an unwavering belief in his ability to eventually succeed. These same traits can be applied, and are in fact ne Read More

Healthier employees not higher health insurance premiums

Avatar Posted by ZaneSafrit under Strategy
From 5574 days ago
Made Hot by: marciabiz on June 25, 2009 4:16 pm
There are choices for businesses who want to make the smart investment, invest in their employees' health and healthcare, to createa sustainable brand. Here's a description of some of them. Read More
More and more companies face difficult choices on how to grow your company. Two choices facing all companies is employee healthcare or advertising. Which one would you invest in to grow your business? Read More
As part of his "Are You An Entrepreneur?" series, BizBox's David Feldman identifies the characteristics that make for successful leadership. Read More
I've noticed more and more folks taking shots at the value of social media. For example there's Beware of Social Media Marketing Myths from Gene Marks in Business Week. Read More
Don't discount the community building opportunities that exist with offering exceptional customer service. Read More
It used to be that you only had to worry about keeping your customers happy. It just isn't that easy anymore. As small business owners, it is so important to also keep your employees happy. By keeping them happy, you are building trust and security in the respect and performance that your employees not only give you, but give your customers, as we Read More
Blogging can be one of the most effective marketing tools for the small business owner. It's easy to start, it's easy to maintain and it's easy to leverage in enhancing your marketing mix. To that end, here are 11 reasons why your business needs a blog. Read More
If you're ready to take the plunge, congratulations! Setting up your small business blog isn't a painful process, but you should be ready to explore why you want to blog, research which platform is right for you, define how you want to reach your readers, and understand that you'll need keep your blog current. Read More

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