Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Know your competition! You see, Sun Tzu had it right when he said: “Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.” Understanding what your competitors are doing to market themselves is an important step in formulating your internet marketing strategy. Read More
So many business owners and entrepreneurs confuse features vs. benefits.
It is a critical marketing concept so I’d like to give you a clear definition that will
always help you keep the two straight.
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The success of our video campaign was dependent on a solid strategy integrating traditional and social media, advertising, pr and community outreach – and here is how we did it. Read More
Many of us spend several hours online everyday and can't even point out doing anything significant. This post will give you some tips on overcoming internet addiction. Read More
A study conducted by the Online Publishers Association (OPA) uncovered some good and bad news about advertisements that appear on websites. The good news is that 96% of website visitors really do notice them. The bad news is that if your ad doesn’t trigger a response within 10 seconds, it probably Read More
There is no doubt that advertising based on your location is advantageous to local businesses. When your customers are searching for your type of business in your area, Google Boost will help you get found quickly, and easily. Read More
Being a risk taker in business is not the same as being reckless. Nevertheless, the word “risk” has a negative connotation to most of us, implying danger and possible loss. For true entrepreneurs, risk is viewed as a positive, with its implied challenge to overcome the unknown and hitting the big r Read More
You want to take a strategic approach to your SEO and online marketing and we've already covered defining your market.  But once you've got great content how do you get it in front of customers? Read More
SEO Mistakes To Stay Away From - Avoid SEO is the best thing you can focus on with your blog, yes some say it’s a waste of time or that the results take to long or it’s to Read More
Did you ever look at a set of financial statements and wonder what it all meant? Would you like to know how to get more value out of the information? You’re not alone. Many business owners find that learning to read, truly understand, and benefit from their financial statements is a challenge. Read More

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