Sundaydriver voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Your blog is a living collection of online web documents all interconnected through numerous links. Getting your blog to reach the full potential of its audience involves having a careful balance of great content, impeccable timing, perfect onsite optimization, and a robust network... Read More
Everything changes when you switch to a niche business model. My decision to, and experience with, making the switch from a "Do Everything" to a niche business model. Read More
What happens when a blogger wants to make money online and decides to start selling stuff - i.e. upgrade their blog to an online store?

Traditionally, eCommerce is done through shopping cart software that can handle orders, transactions, tax, stock, and so on. Read More
First, the governor of New Jersey decided to combat constant fat jokes made by David Letterman by showing up on the Late Show and noshing on a donut. Read More
By Alex Roitman

You can’t play sports, you look terrible, and people avoid you. No, this isn’t a high school flashback; it’s the flu. Sickness in the workplace causes missed deadlines, sloppy work, and overall low morale. Luckily, catching the bug at work can be avoided, unlike those pesky awkwa Read More
As a freelancer who often uses Basecamp with various clients, I can tell you already that I love Basecamp. Let’s learn more about why with this Basecamp review. Read More
Think of Social Bookmarking as regular bookmarking, where you dog-ear a page of your book, or stick a paper bookmark between two pages, but with a digital and social twist. Your social bookmarks can be private, or tagged with keywords and shared with vast communities set up on these sites. Millions Read More
As the term implies, content marketing refers to using content to enhance a company’s online presence. In theory, having plenty of fresh, unique content is one of the best ways to achieve and maintain a high ranking with the major search engines.
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When Laura Zander started her yarn shop in a small town in California she was hoping to make $30,000 a year. “That would be great,” she thought back in 2002. This year, Jimmy Beans Wool's projected sales are $7 million. Read More
Have you ever had a business engagement that just tanked? And to make things worse, it wasn’t the only thing that went wrong for the day. Read More

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