Sundaydriver voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Top 10 Favs and Twitter Question Another week connecting with 13 great people, plus a Twitter Question on how to sell and ebook or product on Twitter. I give 2 good ways to do this and more. Read More
Social media dominated the Superbowl this year setting new records for Tweets and posts on Facebook. What can this teach small business marketers about the importance of social media? Here are 3 lessons. Read More
Email marketing remains as one of the most effective marketing tools in use today. The statistics don't lie: some 90 per cent of those that access the internet maintain at least one email account. Read More
You gotta love Super Bowl Sunday. It’s the one day of the year when people actually look forward to watching commercials instead of fast-forwarding them. Here are a handful of picks for the good, the bad and the ugly from this year’s Super Bowl marketing. Read More
Entrepreneurs who have broken new frontiers know that managing business effectively goes beyond having a wonderful business plan. They know that to run a successful business that can compete favorably with fulfilled businesses; one must never toy with sincerity.

Being sincere in business is one Read More
Hi guys I've done my monthly stats report which reveals honest numbers about my business (including revenue or lack thereof). I hope there are some interesting stats in there for the group particularly around monetization. If you have any questions let me know. Read More
How many firms exist the US and how many sell out for $10m. Read about the final numbers for 2012 - the M&A tables for the US show around 6000 firms sell out for $10m with an average value in those deals of $130m. Read More

Use the Right Social Media For Your Crowdsourced Projects

Use the Right Social Media For Your Crowdsourced Projects - Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Social Media
From 4146 days ago
Made Hot by: cherry93 on February 14, 2013 4:20 am
By Tara Hornor

Using social media can be a really creative, fun, and effective tool for crowdsourcing your company and your company’s projects. But using social media haphazardly can have disappointing results. What you want to do is target the right social media sites for your company in order Read More
By Ben Austin

If you’re a website owner or a search optimizer then you and I have something in common. Obviously we share a career choice, so chances are we probably have similar interests and skills. If nothing else our careers unite us, and that means that something I find useful for work, you Read More
Sales are the lifeblood of small business. You’re not making money if you’re not making sales – it’s as simple as that. However, a lot of different factors go into that sale, the overarching one being marketing. Read More

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