Susanapp voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How many women entrepreneurs have there been in the history of the business world? Thousands and thousands of them; these are women who invested money and time to make money. Some failed, some succeeded. With so many candidates to choose from, it was tough narrowing it down to only 10 successful w Read More

Grant Funding for Women Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by ramkumarapp under Startups
From 4525 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on March 9, 2012 11:49 pm
The recent research by the Center for Women’s Business Research and Entrepreneur Magazine discloses that these days, more women are attending college to earn a degree to launch a non-profit organization or start a small business. This report also says that women are capable of running a business wh Read More
The business world is no longer a man’s world. There are an ample amount of opportunities for women who want to start their own business. Two of the main reasons women venture out to start their own enterprise is because they can work from home and they have the freedom to be their own boss. A repo Read More
There are many successful women entrepreneurs today. They are the role models for many young women aspirants who want to own their own start-up. As a woman, you may have to face many challenges, including the act of balancing your family and business commitments. If it’s a start-up, then you may ha Read More
According to a survey conducted by the popular employment portal,, reveals that over 80% of all employees are actively engaged in search of other employment. Top performers are seeking greener pastures. There may be a few who are ready to quit to start their own venture. These people ar Read More
Running a small business in this tough economy is a Herculean job. It is not just about planning and financing, it is also about talent acquisition and retaining them. One of the sound decisions you as a small business owner should make, is to provide health insurance benefits to your employees. Read More

Know the Rules for Hiring Seasonal Workers

Avatar Posted by ramkumarapp under Human Resources
From 4532 days ago
Made Hot by: y-dolphin on March 2, 2012 2:39 pm
Small businesses hire seasonal help each year to meet the increased holiday demand from October to January. If you are thinking of hiring seasonal help this year, you must know the hiring rules. Read More
Small businesses are important to propel economic growth. They account for more than 60% of new jobs. However, their ability to create new jobs depends heavily on their access to credit. For the past few years, the demand for small business loans has progressively decreased. In the wake of the rece Read More
Each small business should have a website because the website can be a shop front and a virtual representation of your products/services. Therefore your “About Us” page should appeal to the online audience. Remember, your landing page should be attractive and have the appropriate content to establi Read More
All small businesses should have a good website. Having a website alone is not enough. The website should be ranked at least in the first 20 search results. As a small business owner, if you want to attract traffic to your website, you must improve the search engine optimization (SEO). That means, Read More

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