Thelastword voted on the following stories on BizSugar

These 4 marketing mistakes can cost small businesses dearly. Avoiding them is a must to improve sales and reduce cost. Read More
These 4 marketing mistakes can cost small businesses dearly. Avoiding them is a must to improve sales and reduce cost. Read More
Customer loyalty is critical for businesses. Here are five data-based strategies to help your business develop a clear plan that leverages social media. Read More
It's important for business owners to stay up to date on the latest payroll compliance trends. This article is a great read for them to learn how they can make the process easier, and to keep up on HR regulations and technological advances. Read More
It's important for business owners to stay up to date on the latest payroll compliance trends. This article is a great read for them to learn how they can make the process easier, and to keep up on HR regulations and technological advances. Read More
An article that not only highlights the importance of customer data, but also provides easy methods, practical approaches to customer data collection.

The approaches are so simple that anyone can use them to collect essential customer data not to mention that the whole article is way too brief. Read More
For the last eight years, I have observed websites in many industries to understand how successful design works. This has not just helped me build my hub to be as useful to my audience as possible, but it has also allowed me to advise clients with theirs. Read More
Here is how you can promote your local business within your area even when you are tight on budget, which is a common problem for many small businesses Read More
An executive MBA program can provide significant boost to your career and salary. Learn what options are available to get MBA degree offline and online. Read More
So, you’re in trouble with Google. Having your site penalized by Google not only feels terrible, it can have a catastrophic impact on your bottom line. Particularly when your website is the bread and butter of your business, your immediate urge may be to shut down your penalized domain and [...] Read More

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