Thelastword voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Bad hiring is a bad investment and no one is interested in investing their money without any fruitful return. So when you are investing your money you make sure that you will get good returns and then only invest your money in them and it is the same thing with hiring too. Read More
There’s a video on YouTube that simply dares you to watch it to the end. It doesn't contain anything horrible, just a man talking abut our ability to simply sit and concentrate on 3 minutes of content, without distraction.
During the video there are mentions of the things that many of us are dist Read More

Facebook Emotion Experiment Causes Outrage

Facebook Emotion Experiment Causes Outrage  - Avatar Posted by Xen under Online Marketing
From 3657 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on July 8, 2014 11:51 am
It’s emerged that social network Facebook conducted an experiment into its users’ emotions and the effect of posts on them. The study ran for a week and the site deliberately skewed the appearance of users’ newsfeeds to look at the effect of positive and negative posts. Anger ensued. Read More
Because there is no definitive guide to pricing, rather than create my own list, I believe you will get more out of considering what the price you choose will mean for you and your business, and how it will play a key role in terms of attracting your target audience. Read More
Is it time for your company to rebrand? Companies today need to keep up with the changing times - or risk losing out to more agile competitors.

But rebranding is a process that takes time, effort, money, commitment and business smarts. It takes buy-in from your employees too... Read More

10 Surprising and Important Social Media Stats You Need To Know

10 Surprising and Important Social Media Stats You Need To Know - Avatar Posted by CateCosta under Social Media
From 3657 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on July 8, 2014 3:02 pm
You’re likely to find a sea of statistics for social media—I know I’m amazed at how many are out there. My favorite finds are those that are just a bit surprising or unique or even counterintuitive.

I’ve saved some of the best social media stats I’ve found over the past few months and I’m happy Read More
Businesses love to talk about customer service. It is what every company wants to be known for. Why, then, do so many fail miserably at this one thing? What makes customer service so hard to actually achieve?

The idea behind the concept does not seem that hard. Make your customers happy; make th Read More
People are investigating your brand online. Make sure what they find is positive by controlling the message. Read More

See That Over There? It's Your Brand

See That Over There?  It's Your Brand  - Avatar Posted by nicolebeckett under Online Marketing
From 3657 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on July 8, 2014 3:40 pm
Having the wrong content marketing strategy will build the wrong brand. Your business simply can't afford to make a mistake like that! Read More
If you often find yourself tired, demotivated, and demoralized, you might already be experiencing burnout. Just like stress, burnout can cause serious health issues, not to mention the emotional damage it can do. Read More

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