Thelastword voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It’s all well and good having your own blog and trying to be the best there is at blogging in your niche, but actually, this isn’t really the way you should be looking at things. Other blogs shouldn’t be thought of too much as just ‘competition’. Read More
In this post, I've suggested you get Chromebook for your business and you may choose any of the best Chromebook from my top picks which I've listed in this post for your corporate use. Read More
Trying to decide where to take your next job can be difficult. How do Silicon Beach (Los Angeles' tech hub) and San Francisco stack up when it comes to picking the perfect city in which to live, work and play? Check out this infographic for a comparison! Read More
Ever since we were knee-high to a grasshopper, most of us were taught to strive for the American dream. The dream being to work your way up the corporate ladder, pay your dues by working long hours for many years so that when you’re older, you can possibly start to enjoy the fruits of your labor... Read More

10 Best Free or Low-Cost Online Marketing Ideas

10 Best Free or Low-Cost Online Marketing Ideas  - Avatar Posted by Rieva Lesonsky under Online Marketing
From 3654 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on July 10, 2014 3:14 am
Looking for some simple ways to market your small business online that won’t break the bank? Here are 10 online marketing ideas you can implement right away that have the added bonus of costing you little or nothing.
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Balancing the need for quality content with the limited promo time many writers have available isn't easy. These are my solutions. Read More
Could you use more prospects for business? If so get more Linkedin leads- just by following these 7 steps. Read More

Is a Computer Better at Social Media Than The Inventor of Twitter?

Is a Computer Better at Social Media Than The Inventor of Twitter? - Avatar Posted by jeffyablon under Social Media
From 3654 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on July 7, 2014 9:50 am
The difference between people and computers is the way artificial intelligence works. And social media content marketing has an artificial intelligence problem. Read More
Responses to hiring ads can be pretty overwhelming these days, so it can help to know some rules of thumb and positive signs to look out for while sorting through applications. Read More

How I figured out how much to charge when I started my business

How I figured out how much to charge when I started my business - Avatar Posted by devan under Marketing
From 3654 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on July 10, 2014 4:09 am
When you first start out, it's hard to know how much to charge for your products and/or services. Here's how one business owner did it! Read More

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