Torstenmueller voted on the following stories on BizSugar

So you’re planning on launching a website and you want it as SEO-ready as possible–but where do you start? We’ve picked our most important points to get your website singing like a bird. Set your website up properly for SEO from the start, and it makes it a lot easier down the line. Read More
If a company can understand the need to amortize assets over a number of years, should they not have the same outlook on developing their human assets? Read More
A subscriber writes in to ask…

“Would you say it’s better to write a really short email with a link to my blog (to read the rest of the message), or to just put the whole thing in the email itself?” Read More
Some think that the rise of DNC registers will truly challenge telemarketers and some even hope it will finally put an end to what they deem as an intrusive marketing practice. They are half right. It does challenge them because it's with these lists that you'll know who to turn to when it comes to Read More

The Number One Reason Most Startups Fail

The Number One Reason Most Startups Fail - Avatar Posted by seo786 under Finance
From 3560 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on October 14, 2014 9:09 am
Tech startups fail for many different reasons. But some recent research suggests that there’s one overwhelmingly simple reason that leads to nearly half of these tech startup failures. Read More
In the United States, there are four (4) principal ways in which a person or business can protect intellectual property, however, not all types of protection are available for all property types. This infographic briefly describes each of the four (4) principal types of intellectual property protec Read More
It may not necessarily occur to the entrepreneur of a one-person start-up company to document the processes and procedures that are followed in the day-to-day running of the business, but as the business grows, there comes a time when it will be vital to have records of how things are done. Read More
Te term “PSD” is an acronym for “Photoshop document”.
A “business card PSD” is a Photoshop based file that can be modified and changed according to what needs to be displayed on the card. Using a business card PSD file, you can make something very basic or go much further and develop... Read More

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