Torstenmueller voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Authority Engine TV show for podcasters. Create a relationship between you, the show host, and the listeners. Read More

5 Underused Customer Loyalty Strategies [video]

Avatar Posted by maestro68 under Customer Service
From 3560 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on October 13, 2014 12:04 pm
Every entrepreneur knows how invaluable word of mouth is. But who’s going to spread the love if you don’t have customer loyalty?

Ensuring repeat business is an often overlooked and under-appreciated task of chaotic small business owners. But when it comes to increasing sales, customer loyalty is Read More
Microsoft two days ago disclosed its next operating system.The software will run on a wide range of devices, from phones and tablets to PCs and Xbox games consoles, with applications sold from a single store.
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With nearly 1 Billion registered users, Twitter is one of the top social networking sites used by people all over the world. Each time you tweet, there are thousands of others around the world doing the same thing. Read More
How is Digital driving business? Take a look at this infographic from Acquitygroup that'll walk you through the businesses and industries that are thriving in today's economy. Read More
Best Content Marketing Strategies for Business,how to drive more traffic,how to increase more traffic,top 10 tips for increase web traffic,marketing tips for small business Read More
Learn How I Get Over $12000 in Free Advertising Each Month by using a little sweat equity and a few minutes a week. Read More
The most common form of remarketing is for lost conversions. If a visitor comes to your site and then leaves, a remarketing ad allows you to display a “follow up” ad while they are visiting other sites. Have you ever visited a website, and then saw their ads everywhere you went? That is remarketi Read More
Our goal: To help you earn money doing what you love using the tools you already have installed to simplify the process of monetizing your content. Read More

The Blurring Line Between Journalists and FanBoys

The Blurring Line Between Journalists and FanBoys - Avatar Posted by jeffyablon under Online Marketing
From 3562 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on October 9, 2014 8:05 pm
Once upon a time, Galen Gruman was a journalist. The one-time president of the Computer Press Association is now an Apple Fanboy. Is that content marketing? Read More

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