Tuckerleroy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Set of rules all small business owners must be aware of and follow to improve sales and profit with premium pricing. Read More
Tips for getting your customers to help you create great marketing content for your small business growth. Read More
Enhance your Facebook Pages with these timeline ready apps. A total of 25 facebook apps to choose from, including BONUS app suggestions to improve fans engagement. Read More
The importance of having a website is undeniable for someone in the field of website designing. But before you launch your website, how do you spread the word about it? The answer is, by an engaging 'coming soon' page. This post offers some suggestions as to how to create interesting 'coming soon' Read More
There’s a lot that goes into a website redesign and many reasons to do it. A business website redesign may be necessary in order to keep the site looking “fresh” or if the company has undergone a large rebranding effort. There’s certainly nothing wrong with wanting to change your website, but there Read More
When it comes to conducting keyword research, you have to be willing to approach it with an open mind. You might call yourself a “customer acquisition consultant,” but your target audience is actually searching for “lead generation consulting” Does that mean that you can’t call yourself a customer Read More
By Caron Beesley. Entrepreneurial couples are very common – the Wall Street Journal says a third of family businesses are husband and wife teams – and they represent a dynamic force in the small business world. However when spouses go into business together their are several tax and legal implicati Read More
An estimated seventy eight percent of all small business owners are self-employed. The business taxes are tied to the personal tax returns for most of the small businesses that are not corporations. That means, most of the small business owners pay their personal income taxes on their share of busi Read More
Wanting to be more successful but can't go on because hindered by feeling of ungratefulness if pursued? Learn how to deal with it and get your business to its full potential. Read More
Dentists have one goal if they want to keep their patients coming, and that is to set their practice apart from their competition. Read More

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