Tuckerleroy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

We've all seen big players try to manipulate our emotions - if not to convince us buy more stuff, then to make us believe the value of certain things - like your brand perhaps.

And small businesses can do the same.

Easier said than done? Yes. Doable? DEFINITELY!
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Challenging must have a foundation built on trust. Absent that, it's arrogance or insensitivity--even though you may be right. Think about it, what's new about approaching a prospect in a provocative way---ho hum, what's new! Read More
» Being Busy is Not Being Productive | View 5 daily tasks that take up all of your time, yet accomplish nothing. Learn how to stop them from consuming your life. Read More
This is a Guest Post from Louise Turner from Your Virtual PR

A company issues a code of conduct. It makes the national news. Weird, right? Well, not if the company is Transport for London (TfL) and the code of conduct is for companies making deliveries during the Olympics. See the story here.
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Who couldn’t use a few tips and tricks to get sales up these days? As the second quarter of 2012 begins, we put a few tips together to help you improve sales in your store. Read More
How badly do today’s employees want to work virtually? An overwhelming 89 percent of workers in a new survey by project management platform provider Wrike said the ability to work virtually is a crucial fringe benefit in a job.
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For those of you not yet on the Twitter bandwagon, I wanted to explain what Twitter hashtags are and why they are important. You can optimize your tweets by using hashtags. Your content will be more searchable. Read More

Pinterest: glorified window shopping not a theft ring.

Pinterest: glorified window shopping not a theft ring.  - http://blog.sydcon.com Avatar Posted by sydcon_mktg under Marketing
From http://blog.sydcon.com 4472 days ago
Made Hot by: TalkingHedzPR on April 4, 2012 4:57 am
Pinterest, man how many times do you see that word in social media these days? I find that lately I am not only seeing it in social media, but also hearing it around the girls dance studio and the hockey rink. And, you have to admit it is a addictive guilty pleasure. Window shopping and finding new Read More
Many of us spend hours in front of our computers, pushing around the mouse and pecking at the keyboard. It may seem like there’s no way to reduce the amount of time we spend here, but just by doing a few things a little faster, you really can be more efficient. Read More
Keeping up with Twitter can be overwhelming, but utilizing a scheduling tool will certainly help. Consider some of the best tools to find the one that's right for you! Read More

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