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What Is a Potluck Conference?

What Is a Potluck Conference? - http://www.egosoletrader.com Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From http://www.egosoletrader.com 4483 days ago
Made Hot by: Squawk Media on March 14, 2012 6:07 pm
Do you know what an unconference is? I will soon participate in a "potluck" conference for individuals who are passionate about digital communication and the social web. Have you participated at an unconference on social media? Read More
I receive about five undesired LinkedIn messages every month. I got this one a few days ago that seemed to have a bit more work than the average. I felt bad for the person sending this message. He or she clearly sat down and thought about some creative lines, the ones that probably make you think, Read More
One of the best low cost marketing strategies to generate leads and sales is to simply create a Facebook event and invite people along to a live online webinar. Read More
User experience matters a lot in shopping cart development. It is not solely about luring customers using product visuals. Placement of coupon codes logically, using clickstreams, easy access of shipping or customer service info, and designing simple forms are some of the things to consider. Read More
When you’re first getting an eCommerce site or web store up and running, one of the main things you need to deal with is credit card processing. If you already run a brick-and-mortar store that has a merchant account, chances are you can simply talk to your bank about adding online processing. If n Read More
If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner, here are a few great services and cloud apps that can help you with your work. Read More
You know how important Facebook is for business. If you don’t have a Facebook page, you might as well be nonexistent. So you put a lot of thought and effort into marketing on the social network, and you monitor your page closely. It’s a great way for you to connect with your customers and learn mor Read More
It’s no secret that consumers are using their smartphones to search for businesses when they’re on the go. But a new study from DudaMobile reported by MediaPost found businesses that take advantage of mobile search can see astounding results. Consider this: one in five people who visits a mobile-op Read More
A lot of business introduces daily but this doesn’t mean that they all becomes successful and among them of them stops within a few months because of not getting the desired sales that they need in order to run the businesses effectively. There is one leading reason that why these businesses get fa Read More
DIY video has become very affordable and easy to make. Here former video scriptwriter and producer Suzan St Maur shares her tips on how to do it simply and easily. Read More

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