Tylerbishop61 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I've been spending a lot of time on Twitter recently and realized I'm not the only Twitterholic that I know. Here are the Top 10 Signs that you've been spending too much time on Twitter. Read More

The Truth About Scripts and Cold Calling

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From http://thesalesblog.com 5015 days ago
Made Hot by: lelandmcfarland on January 6, 2011 12:16 am
Spending the time thinking about the language, writing it down, and rehearsing it will build your confidence and your competence as a salesperson. Read More
Do you have a social networking strategy? Is Twitter a lot of noise or are you using it to build your brand and develop an online community? Read More
Over Planning yourself can cause unnecessary disappointment and completely throw you off guard by causing you not to finish what you’ve started. Scheduling your daily assignments will help you become more aware of how you spend your time and you need to spend most of your time being as valuable an... Read More
What are your plans for using social media in your small business in 2011? In a recent post, small business consultant Jason Kienbaum mentioned a bunch of social media sites small business owners should be aware of in 2011, including BizSugar.com. Thanks for the shout out Jason! We can think of at Read More
Make your readers interested to give their thoughts encouraging them by asking a question, tell them about what you are up to and get their feedback Read More
The Tycoon Playbook reveals to you the time proven strategies and tactics of self-made billionaires and tycoons.
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The other day, I was having breakfast with a great friend, one of the most talented marketing executives I have encountered.  Unwittingly, we had the same Read More
As busy as we all are, taking the time to document processes and procedures is worth the time. What is your organizational style? Do you have to research answers and procedures that you’ve done before? Read More

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