Welcome to our roundup of artificial intelligence statistics.
It’s been an exciting year for AI.
Recently, new technologies like GPT-4 and Midjourney have generated a wave of public interest. And this public interest has accelerated global investment in and adoption of AI technology.
In this post, we’ll be sharing some eye-opening artificial intelligence stats that highlight the current state of AI this year, how AI software is being used, the challenges facing the sector, and more.
Ready? Let’s dive into it.
38 Latest Artificial Intelligence Statistics And Trends
Posted by adamjayc under MarketingFrom https://startupbonsai.com 408 days ago
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“Martin, I am not that far along yet. When I do get to live-streaming, I am...”
“Peter: I have to check out your post. Where in Sweden are you located?
“Robert: Have you tested live-streaming and then saving the session as a...”
“Lisa: Thanks for sharing this information. I have not used Grok so much...”
“Adam: I have to re-read the post and see if it is time to start another...”