I'm often asked by clients and others, How can I make more time, I don't seem to have enough. The whole time problem is more about how we think and feel about it.
How Can I Make More Time? Improving productivity in business
Posted by BrettJarman under Self-DevelopmentFrom http://www.selfemploymentmastery.com 4117 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on July 12, 2013 5:48 am
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4112 days ago
4112 days ago
In my original draft for the item I did explain why I chose 7 but didn't include it in the end. In short, 7 is the the magic number mainly because that easily fits within the scope of how much information most of us can hold at any one time.
As a general rule, we can remember 7 plus or minus 2 (i.e. between 5 and 9) items quite easily then beyond that most of us get into a bit of a brain fade (memory experts excepted of course). For that reason, 7 items seems 'manageable' for most people and thus a good target to aim for.
Of course, if the nature of your work is that you have lots of quick tasks then more could easily be accomplished.
To answer your question about GTD, yes, I am a GTD fan which you probably picked up from the distinction between 'tasks' and 'projects'. The seven task target doesn't arise from GTD though (at least not that I recall) but the mix of task types, as opposed to 'most urgent', I would have originally picked up from GTD.
Do you follow GTD yourself?
4112 days ago
Yes, I am fan of GTD too, but I am developing my own personalized kanban method that I call F.I.X IT! It is a mix of low and tech tools. I will follow the "stuff" process described in David Allen's books, but with a twist, incorporating tools like Eisenhower matrix, personal kanban, etc. But right now I am in the organizing phase, "setting up the right buckets"... ;) So much paper, so little time! LOL
4112 days ago
4112 days ago