New Years Resolutions - 5 Reasons Why They Fail

Avatar Posted by elainerogers under Self-Development
From 4216 days ago
Made Hot by: MindCircusMedia on January 12, 2013 12:53 am
New Years Resolutions are set apart from other resolutions in that they anticipate new beginnings. So what better time to make new plans, new to-do lists, and create a new vision? But why do they so often fail? This post explores why, and more importantly, how to avoid the pitfalls.


Written by tcamba
4215 days ago

I have not kept most of my 2012 resolutions , maybe because they were not reasonable . I realize that I need to stay " focused" on what needs to get done no matter how small the goal is as long as it is relevant to my learning.

Written by elainerogers
4215 days ago

And sometimes our priorities change too Teepu.

The key is not to beat ourselves up, but re-align our goals and move on. You are spot on with keeping your goals relevant to your learning, as those goals that are closest to our values, will be most achievable (and fun)!

Written by xcelbusiness
4215 days ago

Last year I kept mine - no parking violations! I just made sure that every time I parked, I paid. Park, pay, lock. Very specific - so I second your advice.

I think some people make plans that are just too grand and sweeping, then they set themselves up to fail as these resolutions are not realistic.

Great article and very timely Elaine :)

~ Helen

Written by elainerogers
4215 days ago

Now that's a resolution well made and adhered to Helen!

You demonstrate the need for a goal and process of how to achieve that with your 3 point plan - easy and doable.

Perhaps grandeur allows us sweep our way to unrealistic goals, and ultimately the fast slide to the bottom...

Written by smpayton
4215 days ago

I'm huge on making resolutions. I make them achievable, then I keep them handy to refer to!

Written by elainerogers
4215 days ago

That's great Susan,

Delighted to hear of your success. Achievable doesn't mean they are easy, it means they are realistic and you really want to succeed, well done!

Written by lyceum
4216 days ago

Elaine: Great post! Point 2 (We make them for someone else) is very important. The resolutions should be for you and your life. Here is my post from 2007:

Written by elainerogers
4215 days ago

Hi Martin,

Thanks for sharing your post - it sure helps to document things, as we are such a forgetful race, and easily forget wins, successes and achievements we have made throughout the year - or even that we WERE in fact more charitable, more active or less negative.

How do we know we have been successful? Only by documenting :)

Well done!

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