The 10 Business Books That Changed My Thinking

Avatar Posted by TheBetterLeader under Self-Development
From 4386 days ago
Made Hot by: Kidzbiz on October 11, 2012 3:36 am
Here are the 10 Business books which changed my thinking about business and as a result have helped me make more money from my business.


Written by BizRock
4386 days ago

If book change your way of thinking that must be really good book. :)

Thank you for sharing this list of business books.

Written by lyceum
4386 days ago

Matthew Needham: I have read 7 of the books that you have listed. I haven't read Purple Cow, but I am reading Seth Godin's Linchpin and I have heard great things about E-Myth. I have to look into eBoot Camp.

Atlas Shrugged (now 55 years since it was published) has given me great intellectual fuel for me as business minded individual. Ayn Rand's book is a defense of capitalism on a moral ground (reason - egoism - capitalism).

Written by HeatherStone
4386 days ago


Thanks for sharing the great book list! I'm, of course, familiar with some of these, not so familiar with others. However, I'm sure most will be valuable in some way to entrepreneurs at various stages in their personal journeys.

Written by bigmoneyweb
4386 days ago

Fantastic lists of business books, I have read some of these business books while I haven't even heard about others, I'm going to try and read them.

Thanks for sharing!

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