Google+ is the latest platform to hit the social networking ecosphere. The online tool has more than 90 million users and is growing every day, especially among businesses that are realizing its potential. According toPC World’s Business Center, Google+ has been optimized for business since its inception. Google+ company pages are easy to create and manage. They can be populated with existing social media structures, such as Facebook posts and Tweets. And adding the +1 button on your blog or website gives the consumer yet another opportunity to share your information with their circles of influence.
How Google+ Can Benefit Your Business - Business
Posted by leahrsinger under Social MediaFrom 4647 days ago
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4647 days ago
I'm definitely going to agree with you here. Google+ certainly seems to be here to stay in addition to the fact it offers a unique experience and way of networking distinctly different from Facebook. Then, of course, there's just the caliber of passionate users who support it. I think it's particularly useful as a business to business or peer professional networking platform.