Yes I mean everything.

Embracing this mindset is the first, and most critical, step in becoming a master negotiator.

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Read on so you can set me straight or declare your newfound mindset.


Written by businessavante
4917 days ago

I'm thankful for the last line, Nicole: "Be respectful."

I vaguely remember a guy touring the daytime talk shows of the early '70's (Merv & Stevarino) blabbing about negotiating for literally everything in a totally mercenary fashion, then bragging not tipping servers (this was before the IRS automatically nabbed 8% of each tab, but still unconscionable).


Written by ShoshFromJobShuk
4917 days ago

Doctor Reece,

We have the same mentality here in the souks of Israel and for the whole Middle East in general. There are no prices in the souks. Everything is open to negotiating. Only when a person selling attaches value successfully can get the best price for the service if not, the consumer wins every time.


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