My picks for favorite startup sectors to improve your fundability in the new year include green, biotech, and renewable energy (also called alternative energy or sustainable energy). In previous articles, I’ve put some definition around the green and biotech investment categories, so I’ll try to do the same here for renewable energy.

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Written by businessavante
4865 days ago

I especially like the part about "waste gas" (methane). All life sprang from methane (CH4) dissolving into the "hot soup" of the oceans (H2O). The carbon atoms were finally available to create organic compounds, proteins, coacervates, and later more complex forms - the 1st single-celled life forms. Each of us must do our very best to replenish the methane layer (or what I call the methosphere) for the furtherance of future life on Earth.

buisinessavante stratosphere

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