Startup Management: How to Achieve Stability as Early as Possible

Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Startups
From 1475 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on September 17, 2020 11:01 am
A startup will often experience its fair share of ups and downs – with the downs providing more trouble than you might expect from a business.

The slightest mistake can cause bigger problems down the line, which is why stability is treasured by many entrepreneurs.

Here are just a few ways y Read More
Isn’t it amazing that some people you know always seem to be working hard, but never seem to get anything done? As an entrepreneur, you need to avoid partnering with these people, or hiring them into your startup. The challenge is to find people who get things done, as well as work hard. LinkedIn p Read More
One of the reasons that now is the time to be an entrepreneur is the explosion of startup assistance organizations, usually called incubators or accelerators. According to the International Business Innovation Association (InBIA ), there are over 2,200 of these locations worldwide, and new online v Read More
Due to the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the protests that originally broke out in response to the killing of George Floyd captured on video, corporations have pledged hundreds of millions of dollars to social justice causes, as well as to help struggling small businesses.

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Starting a new business can be challenging. It's important to take the right steps from the very beginning and be aware of the most common mistakes that business starters make. Read More
Problem solving is a full-time task in business. Whether you own the business, or have only a small role in daily operations, making decisions and solving problems is a key part of your job. The most effective people, and the happiest ones, are the ones who accept this reality, and even relish the Read More

How to Make Money Blogging Fast

Avatar Posted by HollyHanna under Startups
From 1479 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on September 13, 2020 4:49 am
While there are no guarantees when you start a blogging business, there are some things you can do to help you make money fast. Find out more. Read More
If you aren’t willing to take some risk as an entrepreneur, then don’t expect any gain. Yet everyone has limits, and every investor implicitly has similar limits on what makes a startup investable, or one to avoid at all costs. If you need investors, it’s important that you understand their filters Read More
The days of leadership without engagement are gone. With interactive social media and video everywhere, everyone needs to feel they have a relationship with their leaders, and every brand needs leader personification for customers to relate. Soon you won’t be able to name a business as one of your Read More
In business, and in your personal life, the ability to anticipate and overcome criticism is one of the biggest differentiators between leaders, who make things happen, and followers, who may have great ideas but never seem to get things to go their way. In fact, leaders are not remembered for their Read More

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