Every aspiring entrepreneur I know is talking about the fact that there are over 2,000 billionaires in the world today, and how their innovative idea could make them one of the next ones. Most of you prefer to ignore the feedback from analysts that your chances of creating the next unicorn startup Read More
In my years of advising business leaders, from entrepreneurs to enterprise executives, I often hear a passion for strategic change planning, but seldom see the same commitment to strategic execution. I fully understand that real change is hard, but I’m convinced that more focus on the execution is Read More

The Complete and Only Startup Checklist You'll Ever Need to Succeed

Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Startups
From https://bizsmallbiz.com 1432 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on October 30, 2020 11:30 am
Are you in the process of kickstarting your company and turning your idea into a reality? Are you looking for tips and tricks on how to successfully begin that process? If so, then you need a startup checklist that you can follow along the way.

Doing so will give you a point of reference as you Read More

Startup Launch: 10 Secrets to Startup Success

Avatar Posted by Pixel_pro under Startups
From https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com 1433 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on October 30, 2020 7:07 am
Startup Launch: 10 Secrets to Startup Success

Every startup launch has hurdles, in this post we’re sharing 10 secrets to startup success from launch through year one with a new business. Read More
People tell me there may be over 8,000 dating sites with scientific matchmaking algorithms worldwide, but I couldn’t find one that focused on scientifically matching companies and people for business-to-business (B2B) relationships. Yet, every business expert tells me that finding good business par Read More
As the business economy is expected to rebound from the pandemic, many entrepreneurs are thinking that life will soon get easier, and their opportunity can only grow. In reality, the business world gets tougher every day, with new entrants, new technology, and competitors more easily entering the f Read More
“The devil in the details” is a quote that we have all heard, and clearly applies to startups, where success in the long run is all about execution. But for you as an entrepreneur trying to get started, the devil is really in your mind, where you must prevent drifting, and maintain that confidence, Read More
Every dark cloud has a silver lining. Driven by the current pandemic, smart entrepreneurs of all ages are jumping into the fray with new ideas, new recovery strategies, and discarding outmoded business models. I see it most in the newest generation of entrepreneurs (Gen-Y), who were shocked out of Read More

Humanovate: What does this new term mean?

Avatar Posted by jacelynsia under Startups
From https://www.eno8.com 1439 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on October 23, 2020 10:33 am
There's too much talk about innovation and not enough about humanovation. If you follow startup culture, are listening to innovation podcasts, or talking to entrepreneurial types who are in the know, then you’ve probably heard of this new term. Learn what does this mean.
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Most of the time, I’m all about providing encouragement and inspiration to entrepreneurs. They need it and they deserve it, because entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of our economy. But every so often, I try to give them a reality check, just to keep their feet on the ground and their nose to the gri Read More

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