You don’t need formal training or a complex portfolio to be a graphic designer. Here's how to make decent money designing simple graphics. Read More
One of the simplest questions I get from aspiring entrepreneurs, and ironically one of the hardest, is “How do I start?” I want to tell them to just start anywhere, but I realize that most have no idea where anywhere is. They just aren’t prepared for the life they want, and are really asking me how Read More
For all entrepreneurs, starting a business is the route to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” no matter how risky. It’s the American dream that has been the goal of people in this country for over 240 years. If you are here in the U.S., I hope you are all able to take some time off this Read More
Every entrepreneur I know finds it a challenge to balance the joys of entrepreneurship against a set of frustrations they never anticipated. Of course, most of you expect that raising money will be difficult, as well as staving off competitors, and handling that occasional toxic customer. What you Read More
Is your team using unoptimized processes to complete important tasks? Bad idea. Improve them today with Process Street's free templates! Read More

Improving Your Company Value With Little Investment

Avatar Posted by Inspiretothrive under Startups
From 1550 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on July 4, 2020 12:03 pm
Understanding the value of a business can often be complicated and confusing. Many factors go into deciding how much a company is worth, and this process can be a subjective one.

It may leave some business owners with more than one number for the value of their work. Of course, though, while it Read More
As an advisor to new hardware entrepreneurs, I often hear the myth that a business plan is no longer required to find an investor, if your idea is good enough. You may have heard that venture capitalists in Silicon Valley no longer read business plans. What you don’t realize is these famous investo Read More

6 Businesses You Can Start For Less Than $1,000

Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Startups
From 1549 days ago
Made Hot by: peteyb on July 2, 2020 3:05 pm
Start your business today for less than $1,000. Check out these 6 terrific business ideas you can start quickly and run from your home. Read More
Most of the young entrepreneurs I know are classic proof of the old adage that people tend to overestimate what they can do in a short period, and underestimate what they can do over a long period. They become frustrated when they are unable to build their startup over a weekend, and give up way to Read More
Entrepreneurs inherently understand that they have to be the initial leader of their startup, but often they don’t have the experience or the training to know where their leadership competencies lie, or how to build a leadership team. For new entrepreneurs, leadership development efforts may be mor Read More

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