Companies that move past traditional org charts set themselves up for success in utilizing freelancers to scale up and down as needed. Read More
The “valley of death” is a common term in the startup world, referring to the difficulty of covering the negative cash flow in the early stages of a startup, before their new product or service is bringing in revenue from real customers. I often get asked about the real alternatives to bridge this Read More
Cheap logo design consist of stock art elements that have become so over used that they can no longer be claimed as original or trademarked.

You can create just about anything for free or cheap online today.

While, yes, I do find many online ‘DIY Designers’ pretty cool – I don’t think they Read More
There are a lot of germ hotspots around the office – and many of them are not at all where you’d think. Here are eight of the dirtiest places in the office.

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“I’ll do it tomorrow,” and variations of that excuse echo through the minds of entrepreneurs everywhere. Here's a good look at six reasons why many people habitually procrastinate, and what you can do to create better habits and become more successful. Read More

8 Ways New Ventures Burn Resources Without Thinking

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2447 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on January 11, 2018 10:02 am
Every entrepreneur I know is short on resources, including time, money, and skills. The last thing they can afford is to waste any of these, but in my mentoring and coaching activities, I see it happening all too often. Waste in a startup is any activity that spends resources, but creates no value Read More

How To Mentor Millennials Into Business Leadership

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2449 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on January 10, 2018 4:22 am
Millennials have come a long way in business since I started writing about them almost ten years ago. They started out as that spoiled generation of kids, born between about 1982 and 2004, who had everything, and could care less about business. Today they are in every business, and will likely comp Read More

How To Validate Your Innovative Product As A Business

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2450 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on January 8, 2018 11:17 am
In my experience with technical entrepreneurs, they work hard on creating an innovative and elegant solution, and assume that customers will flock to them (“if we build it, they will come”). The reality is that successful businesses these days require an equally elegant business model, with the rig Read More

How Wicked Good Cupcakes Scaled Quickly But Naturally

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Startups
From 2451 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on January 8, 2018 10:35 am
Scaling a business isn’t easy. But the founders of Wicked Good Cupcakes were able to do it fairly successfully, thanks to a little help from Shark Tank and some good old fashioned business savvy. Read More
These 65 experts share what they feel the benefits and challenges are to being a solopreneur today, and, more importantly, they share some very actionable solutions to those challenges! Read More

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