Even the most diligent investors are often surprised by apparently solid business startups that fail, while others succeed, despite the odds. In my own experience as an investor, I have concluded that success is more about the people than the product. The best founders operate with a key set of int Read More
Managing and motivating a team in a startup is more than just using the right interpersonal skills. It’s more than providing recognition, tangible incentives, and clear work goals. A key influencer of satisfaction and motivation, top-ranked by employees, is positive progress and the completion of m Read More
Every business professional needs to stay cool under pressure, to be a top performer, and for the sake of their own health. Yet everyone has a melting point – a critical threshold where pressure causes them to respond irrationally. Many people believe their threshold is permanently set by family ge Read More
There's no better time to start your own online biz and join the ranks of solopreneurs. Inside this article you'll discover some helpful tips and insights from freelancers that have been through the transition. Read More
Many startups and entrepreneurs I advise still default to growing their business via the traditional top-down, order-taking culture. I’m convinced that you can’t stay competitive that way with today’s customers, and today’s employees. It’s time to push decision making down into the organization –in Read More
Are you an eager entrepreneur, ready to conquer the business world with your brilliant idea but unsure how to get funding? If so, you’re not alone. Crowdfunding, one of the fastest growing funding resources for small businesses in America, may be worth your consideration. Read More
Running a business is not rocket science. As a long-time business advisor, and occasional investor, I have seen many successful businesses lead by college dropouts and people with average intelligence. Investors don’t look at CEOs for advanced degrees, but they do look for experience and emotional Read More

If only my dreams would become my reality!

Avatar Posted by tonyp21 under Startups
From https://www.tonypaull.com 2675 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on May 31, 2017 12:22 pm
As small business owners the dream of taking our one product, home based business and turning it into a successful and growing company is our constant motivator to dream big and achieve big Read More
With the advent of the Internet, social media, and instant communication via texting, customer expectations for service, as part of their entire customer experience, have changed. They expect you to be there, to know their history as a customer, and to treat them with priority and respect. They tel Read More
Getting paid to travel is a dream for many, but a reality for few. At least two people have figured out a winning combination: They make their living traveling the world and dishing out trip advice — and here they spill their secrets. You don’t have to go as far as quitting your job, but if you’ve Read More

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