7 Investor Term Sheet Demands Startups Need Not Fear

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 3284 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on September 28, 2015 8:11 am
Most entrepreneurs looking for an investor can tell you how much money they need, but few have given much thought to what they are willing to give up for it. Perhaps they're way off in their valuation (usually far too high), or paralyzed by fear at seeing the other terms, because they have no idea Read More

5 Ways to Lower Your Risk When Starting a Business

Avatar Posted by Nellie Akalp under Startups
From http://blog.corpnet.com 3286 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on September 27, 2015 8:25 pm
While you can't completely get rid of risk in starting a business, you can at least mitigate some of it. Read More

10 Insights To Ensure Repeatable Business Success

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 3287 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on September 26, 2015 1:18 pm
Entrepreneurs who experience success with their first startup are often amazed to realize that the risks and fears of doing it right the second time go up, rather than down. Encores are tough, especially in the high-risk world of startups, yet every entrepreneur I know can’t wait to start over and Read More

10 Tips to Making Startup Funding Work for You

Avatar Posted by Nellie Akalp under Startups
From http://blog.corpnet.com 3287 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on September 26, 2015 6:40 am
If you plan to seek funding for your startup, read these 10 helpful tips before to ensure you get it. Read More

7 Reasons Smart Startups Establish 'Coopetition'

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 3289 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on September 24, 2015 10:50 am
As a startup advisor, when I suggest cooperating with competitors, most entrepreneurs initially think I'm crazy or suggesting something illegal. But trust me, I’m not talking about anything sinister here, just a concept known in smart business circles as "coopetition," recognized as one of the best Read More

6 Tools To Assess Your Potential As An Entrepreneur

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 3290 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on September 23, 2015 11:48 am
Too many people, young and older, let their career and their lifestyle happen to them, rather than proactively making things happen based on their personal passions, skills, and interests. Others make decisions based on someone else’s interests, such as the father who wants his son to take over the Read More

6 "Gut Check" Questions All Entrepreneurs Should Ask Themselves

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Startups
From http://smallbiztrends.com 3290 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on September 23, 2015 11:37 am
Not everyone is cut out for a career as a self-directed entrepreneur.
Some people are best suited to work for someone else. I know this is a harsh statement to some, but that’s the way it is.
Even if you are starting out a business on the side (a.k.a. side hustle), you still might not be cut out Read More

Starting a Consulting Business

Avatar Posted by smpayton under Startups
From http://blog.corpnet.com 3291 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on September 22, 2015 8:46 am
If you are considering starting a consulting business, in this blog post here's everything you need to know to get started. Read More

7 Ways That Entrepreneurs Must Lead To Succeed

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 3291 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on September 21, 2015 1:49 pm
One of the realities of being an entrepreneur is that you have to keep learning and changing to survive. Everyone on the startup team knows there is no buffer, and no personal isolation from impact based on your job description that can save you. Thus everyone has to make sure they are focusing on Read More

6 Ways For Startups To Offer Greater Marketing Value

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 3294 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on September 18, 2015 10:01 am
Entrepreneurs have always believed that their product or service must show real value to customers, but today the smart ones are even able to make their marketing valuable. The days are gone when marketing was all “pushing product.” Now customers seek out people who are willing and able to add valu Read More

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