How to Avoid The Mistake That Destroys Most Businesses

Avatar Posted by George Meszaros under Startups
From 3400 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on June 4, 2015 10:47 pm
Have you ever wondered why most businesses fail?When you start a business there a many things you don’t know.Screwing up is part of the fun. OK, so it’s not always fun, but it’s going to happen anyway.You might hear a failed entrepreneur say “We ran out of money”. Others will tell you “We were crus Read More
The best part of being an entrepreneur is having the independence to make your own decisions, the flexibility for a better work/life balance, and personal satisfaction from driving change. But nobody said it would be easy. The road to business success is filled with challenges and frustrations that Read More
That’s one of the most common doubts when it comes to making a business. People read a lot about innovations and wondering if their idea is innovative enough to achieve success with their online business. Read More

Are You Mentee Material?

Avatar Posted by PASAngelique under Startups
From 3405 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on June 3, 2015 11:16 am
You’ll find that experts in most fields recommend getting a mentor. Whether it’s in the business world (including here on Bplans), the arts, academia- you name it, and a thought leader in the space will refer to the benefits of seeking a mentor. But then what? Read More
These days every new entrepreneur understands that an innovative product or service is necessary, but not sufficient, to start a business. You have to build a web presence with marketing content to get visibility above the almost 300 million other new websites created last year, and attract the cus Read More
The self- employed are never far from the television when the investors are swimming in the Shark Tank. It’s become an addiction for those passionate entrepreneurs looking to take their businesses to the next level with a little help from the Sharks.
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This simple question will guarantee a reply to your email

Avatar Posted by timjahn under Startups
From 3404 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on June 1, 2015 10:45 am
Not getting any replies to your emails? This simple question will make a world of a difference in how you approach striking up a conversation via email. Read More
So you’ve thought of it … taking your design ideas and putting them out there for everyone to see.

But you have questions.

Does it cost a lot of money to get started?
Do I have to use my own designs?
Can I set my own prices?
Where will I sell my T-Shirts?
How much money can I earn?
Well Read More
Startups are usually so focused on selling more of their branded product or service to their own customer base (organic growth) that they don’t consider the more indirect methods (non-organic growth) of increasing revenue and market share. Non-organic growth would include OEM relationships, finding Read More
Welcome to the Bcast, the official podcast of Each week we discuss the latest news, resources, and advice for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Hosted by Jonathan Michael and Peter Thorsson.

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