23% drop in online ad rates, but smaller sites cash in

Avatar Posted by morecowbell under Online Marketing
From http://www.bizjournals.com 5971 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 18, 2008 8:38 pm
The PubMatic AdPrice Index indicates that the economic slowdown in the U.S. has led to a 23% drop in overall monetization for the online advertising industry. Large Web sites fared the worst while small Web sites managed to maintain their monetization rates, PubMatic said, adding that eCPMs for Web sites with more than 100 million page views p Read More

Hefty Tax Breaks Designed to Spur Business Spending

Avatar Posted by morecowbell under Taxes
From http://www.kiplinger.com 5971 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 18, 2008 8:37 pm
Businesses are big winners in the economic stimulus package signed into law earlier this year. They may not be getting rebate checks, but they are getting showered with $45 billion in tax breaks designed to spur them on to purchase more equipment, cars and other assets sooner rather than later. Congress boosted the limit on first-year expensin Read More

Why the Organization Chart is Not Obsolete

Avatar Posted by Aaronontheweb under Human Resources
From http://blog.smartdraw.com 5971 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 18, 2008 8:37 pm
"As someone who has built a business from one person to 40 (and growing fast) I think most entrepreneurs misunderstand org charts and their value even to the smallest business of just one person. Yes, I'm serious: A one person organization that aims to grow needs an org chart!" Read More

Overstock Terminates All New York Based Affiliates

Avatar Posted by storyspinner under Online Marketing
From http://www.searchmarketinggurus.com 5972 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 17, 2008 5:18 pm
Starting June 1, 2008 merchants will be required to collect taxes or face repercussions. Yesterday, Overstock dealt with this issue by removing all New York based affiliates from their program. How will other large online only retailers react? Will other states follow suit? Read More

How To Transform A Culture With Innovation

Avatar Posted by hamerhokie under Success Stories
From http://open-source-innovation.com 5972 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 16, 2008 8:52 pm
How Project Better Place is using the principles of innovation to transform Israel by eliminating the need for oil by 2020. Read More

Banks are seeing more small-business loans go sour

Avatar Posted by TimJustus under Raising Capital
From http://online.wsj.com 5972 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 16, 2008 5:33 pm
The turbulent economy is exposing yet another type of credit where bankers let their guard down: small-business loans. Missed payments and losses on small-business loans are surging at banks throughout the country that were so eager to pad their profits that they essentially threw typical underwriting methods out the window. Some lenders doled Read More

Fasten Your Keyword Density Seatbelt! | WAHNewsToday

Avatar Posted by LisaAlexander under Online Marketing
From http://wahnewstoday.com 5973 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 16, 2008 4:26 pm
Two main keyword density concerns answered. From here — you be the judge. Read More
If you'd like to multiply the chances of your email pitch being opened, read and acted on—then this tip will show you how. Read More
Does the frenzy over social media this year remind you of something? Widgets maybe? Or viral marketing? Every year we seem to create a new buzz over— well, buzz. But is this trend different? It's hard enough for those of us in the space to catch up with it all. But should you be chasing the golden goose this time? Read More

Corporate Training Is For The Birds

Avatar Posted by d2kd3k under Human Resources
From http://trustedadvisor.com 5973 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 16, 2008 4:24 pm
Most corporate training methods build on outdated animal behavior research, but new studies are showing there's a better way to teach and motivate birds, chimps, and even...employees! Read More

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