12 Ways to Get Customers to Open Your Email FIRST

Avatar Posted by digitalsmash under Strategy
From http://hellomynameisscott.blogspot.com 5983 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 5, 2008 6:46 pm
Want to know the secret to email follow up? TWO WORDS: Subject line. Because that's the only thing customers see. Because that's the only thing customers have the time to read. Because that's the only thing customers will use to decide whether or not to open it. Because that's the only way you can immediately differentiate yourself in the Read More

Backing Up Home Files

Avatar Posted by dlanders under Technology
From http://www.productivitytoday.com 5984 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 5, 2008 5:33 pm
You know about backing up files at work, but when you get home it is easy to overlook the home computer, which in so many cases has insinuated itself into household routines. You come home, you check your email. You need to write a quick thank you to a friend, you run to the computer to pull up her address. You want to keep up with your nieces and Read More

Emotional Blocks to Time Management

Avatar Posted by dlanders under Management
From http://www.productivitytoday.com 5984 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 5, 2008 5:33 pm
Do you know of someone who is always being told to “get organized” so that he or she will show up on time, manage to find things, and get more done? Stress affects many people as they strive to cope with multiple daily tasks and events. However lack of time is not the only factor in struggling with time management skills... Read More

10 tips to green your workplace

Avatar Posted by workinggreen under Strategy
From http://greenworkcanada.ca 5983 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 5, 2008 5:29 pm
Sometimes it's little, simple steps that can quickly get your workplace on the path to being green. Read More

Zappos Shows How Social Media Is Done

Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Online Marketing
From http://www.readwriteweb.com 5984 days ago
Made Hot by: scottfox on May 5, 2008 5:28 pm
What's more stereotypically trivial than shoe shopping? Using Twitter, of course! Online shoe retailer Zappos does shoes and social media remarkably well. Scores of bloggers, lots of video blogging and 198 employees on Twitter help keep the company's profile high and humanize the folks behind the shoe sales. Of all the different types of soci Read More

Produce interesting video fast and free - Animoto

Avatar Posted by jlawlor under Online Marketing
From http://www.johnlawlor.com 5984 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 5, 2008 2:55 pm
Jeff Bezos recently highlighted, Animoto, a great self-service video creation site. As a former TV commercial director and still photographer I can relate to what Jeff is saying -- in the old days it took dozens of hours in an expensive post-production studio to create even the simplest video from collections of stills. Animoto can do it in a Read More

bizSugar now provides forum feeds from EvanCarmichael.com

Avatar Posted by JohnH under News
From http://blog.bizsugar.com 5984 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 4, 2008 12:41 am
You may have noticed that at the bottom of each of bizSugar's story pages, we now have a “Related Forum Posts” area. Based on keywords from each article, those links will take you to related forum posts from EvanCarmichael.com. Read More
Incorporating mis-spelled words into your keyword optimization is a smart and free online marketing tactic - especially in a slump marketing strategy. How much do you worry about misspellings when you are searching on Google? My guess is "Not much." -- and you aren't alone -- especially since Google added the "Did you mean:" red questi Read More

Stay True to Your Brand for Long-Term Viability

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Strategy
From http://www.allbusiness.com 5984 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 3, 2008 11:41 pm
Great brands operate at a higher level. They don't change the essence of who they are as the business changes. That's backward and that's why companies fail. Instead, they make sure that they direct how the business changes so that it fits with the brand, from the new lines they bring in, to the employees they hire, to the competing compa Read More

MySpace Sexy No More | WAHNewsToday

Avatar Posted by LisaAlexander under Online Marketing
From http://wahnewstoday.com 5984 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 3, 2008 11:40 pm
What's wrong with MySpace and how are advertisers and marketing companies looking at them now? Read More

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