"Because we can" isn’t good enough in marketing these days. You need to provide value, or at least a compelling call-to-action. How could Progressive Insurance have been so sloppy with the follow through? Read More
Some good news for Google in its war with Facebook. As Facebook grows, one concern for Google is that users could eventually turn away from traditional search and instead ask their friends for advice and answers.
So far, that's not happening according to the chart below from Bank Of America Merri Read More
People still love to watch television — and most of them still prefer to watch their favorite shows “live.” Yet recent research from Deloitte finds that viewers’ television-watching preferences are changing dramatically in ways your company needs to know.
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Are you trying to reach affluent consumers with your advertising? And are you wishing you had the budget to advertise on TV? Well, you need not worry. According to a recent survey of affluent Internet users from The Affluence Collaborative, reported by eMarketer, TV is far from the best way to reac Read More
Do you own a lawn care business?

One of the biggest concerns of lawn service business owners is how to find customers... on a budget. In order to stay competitive on price, business owners can't afford to spend lots of money on advertising - especially when they are not sure it will bring in an Read More
Here you can find a list of High Paying Google Adsense Keywords for 2011. These will really help you to increase your earnings with Google AdSense. If you are monetizing your blog or website with AdSense pay per click program than you probably know how much keywords matter. Using the keywords on th Read More
How to maximize the revenue of your site. Useful article for bloggers and publishers. Some of the steps might be a bit surprising! Read More
Has this ever happened to you? You decided to go to a new restaurant to eat dinner, but when you arrived at the establishment there were no cars (or very few cars) in the parking lot and so you changed your mind about going there. I know I have done this many times figuring that if there weren’t Read More
Sure, a qualified and targeted mailing list can help you get better results - but if you don't have a list or don't want to buy one - you still have options. In fact, if your company caters to a local market and offers a widely used service (like a restaurant, dry cleaner, real estate agent, hair s Read More
Adfly simply takes a long url and shortens it. These kinds of services are perfect for microblogging platforms like twitter because of the character limitations. The unique thing that adfly does is that it adds an advertisement that the visitor will see while going to the website. You earn for ever Read More

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