Sherry Borsheim has been creating business organizing systems to help businesses and individuals get organized for over 23 years. Get your free e-kit "7 Ways to Organize Your Workspace" by visiting now. Read More
Principle of Least Effort means that information-seeking behavior stops as soon as minimally acceptable results are found. This important knowledge should affect how you run your PPC campaigns. Read More
New form of radio advertising: a new interactive billboard in Louisville, Kentucky, will display the song that is currently being played on local radio station WQNU to passing drivers. Read More
What do you think?

Is this effective in marketing the product or is it using blatant sexist attitudes to sell the product?

You decide... Read More
Google is quickly rolling out a number of AdWords changes, including Google Correlation, communication ad extensions, charging for clicks on directions links in AdWords ads, embedded sitelinks and offer ads. Here's a summary of the latest on Google AdWords. Read More
We havve had crowd-sourced book reviews (Amazon), crowd-source location (Foursquare, Waze), so why not a crowd-sourced advertising network? Sounds crazy? Well the fact is display banner ads have been just a tiny bit disappointing and basically create clutter on the real estate of the web. Read More
The more effective your sales copy, the more profits you'll make. It makes sense then to strive to improve your sales copy skills. Successful sales letters all have a few common elements. Learn and perfect these common elements and you'll watch your profits grow. Read More
PPC or Pay Per Click ads are a superior tool to drive traffic to specific web pages. When each PPC ad is written strategically and visitors are sent to a landing page designed for their needs, it can be a virtual profit generator. Read More
An article about how the Tiger Woods scandal has impacted his advertising partners. Find out about the theory behind the golfer destroying 12 billion dollars in market value. Read More
Have you ever wondered how you can persuade customers to purchase your products? This article gives you the theoretical background and some practical recommendations for advertising and selling your products to customers. Read More

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