Advertising has changed drastically over the years, in a world where keeping-or rather, earning- a customer's attention has become a much more difficult task with all the noise and channels that need to be filtered through first. Today, agencies and brands have adapted to become much more creative Read More
I’ll admit it; one of my guilty viewing pleasures is Donald Trump’s The Apprentice. For those of you who are not familiar with the show, the premise is, a group of entrepreneurial minded individuals are split up between two teams (men vs. women) and then work on business related tasks, with each t Read More
Are you a small business owner who is looking to make people sit up and take notice of your business? Are you just starting out and are cash strapped as far as an advertising and promotional budget goes? Here are 10 ways in which you won’t spend a penny (well almost) and make your presence felt in Read More
Jason shares three more bad marketing examples to help us become better marketers. Can you spot what these businesses are doing wrong? Read More
Google AdWords offers excellent controls for advertising to ensure that you get the most value for your money. One way to do that is with setting times under ad scheduling. Google AdWords enables you to set the time for when you want ads to run. For many people, this might not seem very important, Read More
For many small business owners, the need to hire a copywriter becomes a daunting task. You may want a “rock star” copywriter, but don’t want to make an *electrifying* mistake. So, how do you select a writer who’ll be effective at helping market your products or services? Try screening them this way Read More
It's our birthday today and because we feel so good (one year old baby!) YOU are getting all the presents. Read More
Teracent is a brilliant way to discover the power of one on one marketing. Your targeting will allow your demographic to think it is. Move over Google... Read More
I would never go so far as to describe myself as a renaissance man, but in the last few years, I can say I take great pride in having put a great deal of myself Read More
This is always a hot topic on webmaster forums: In your making money online efforts via Google AdSense, which keywords will give you the most dollar in a click? Read More

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