In this week’s episode, I’ll deconstruct a postcard from a Daily Deal company using direct mail to build email subscribers. Click to watch the video. Read More
Your story is the basis of your brand. Learn to tell your story to bolster your business and give you a competitive edge. Read More
I just found a tool on a website called that evaluates the readability of copy. You paste in some text, click the “Check Text Readability” tab, and then your writing is graded on several different readability scales. I am not sure how scientific the tool is, but it’s fun. Read More
Financial bloggers are no strangers to affiliate programs. Indeed, for most financial bloggers (and many other bloggers) affiliate programs are what pays (some of) the bills. Many financial bloggers are dead set against payday loan affiliate ads on their blogs. But, is it so bad to have payday loan Read More
Advertising is an investment. But most small businesses don't see it that way. Here's how you can use a simple advertising budget to weigh costs/benefits. Read More
Here are the two most effective types of online advertising that every self employed professional and small business owner should be utilizing. Read More
If you are wondering how AdSense shows ads on your blog, than the process is very simple. They crawl your blog and get the most related keywords, these keywords will be used to find the targeted adsense ads for your page. Read More
Daily deals have been a social media phenomenon over the last couple of years. Though there’s been a mad rush for companies entering the category and a growing sentiment that daily deals have jumped the shark, that doesn’t mean there isn’t still a great opportunity for you as a small business owner Read More
Jason shares an example of a marketing campaign that stands out from the crowd and links the message back to the product. Read More
Ever thought about advertising your business on local TV? Get your questions answered and learn the steps it takes to be successful using television. Read More

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