This is always a hot topic on webmaster forums: In your making money online efforts via Google AdSense, which keywords will give you the most dollar in a click? Read More
If you have a product/service then you need to advertise it to get business. If you do not advertise then nobody will know about your product and you will not get the desired business. Advertising enables you to promote your business products and services. Advertisers spend millions of dollars ever Read More
I am constantly bombarded with the same question: “How can I quickly and easily improve my lead generation or sales numbers?”

A fair question… not so easy to answer. The biggest challenge in answering this is that I usually have no idea what they are doing now to generate revenues through market Read More
A first in the history of publishing, Rowling strikes out as the first author to dispense with both her publisher and bookstores! Is she the next Walt Disney?
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Media advertising is your key to targeting your customers. That is why it is really a big industry. After all, everybody needs to advertise to get their products known to the buying public. Media advertising may demand a lot of money. But it will bring great returns when used in the right way. Read More
I came upon this awesome inforgraphic that even Andy will greatly appreciate and enjoy. Have a look and see how many of these you make a mistake with on a daily basis?
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I have noticed a consistent trend in small business advertising habits over the last ten years. Business owners feel the need to launch ad campaigns when business is slow or possibly even non-existent. When I suggest they advertise while business is strong they typically respond, “it is not a prior Read More
Its always a struggle, in the creative world, to get the balance right between a strong creative idea and a clear brand message. One without the other and your ad just becomes another blur on fast forward. Read More
Are you taking your targeted AdWords visitors and plopping them down in the middle of an open field? Stephen Moss, co-author of AdWords University, looks at this problem in a brief post that cuts to the actionable steps. Read More
If you really want to monetize your blog, you should not hide your ads. You need to let advertisers know that you offer advertising opportunities. Read More

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