This part will expound more on research-based insights. These data are becoming more and more important with the changing consumer behavior. Remember that despite being raised in a period of rapid change, they display a remarkable self-confidence in their judgment. Teens do their research prior to Read More
The internet world is all based in keywords. I know everybody says “Content is King”, but it is not actually 100% true because “KEYWORDS are King”.

When you do a Google search, you don’t put an image or an article or number in the search field but you put keywords, and based on these keywords Go Read More
Updating our knowledge on how to influence the teen market is becoming more and more difficult. Teens are evolving faster by the day. It may be a function of the utilities available to them like the internet, mobile phones and others.

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That leather jacket these rebels insist on wearing even in the stroke-inducing heat was first designed in 1928 by Irving Schott for Harley Davison. Several weeks after that, other designers caught wind of it and decided to make their own version. Several decades since, even Gap is already making th Read More

New Adsense Interface

New Adsense Interface - Avatar Posted by ricky86 under Advertising
From 4843 days ago
I logged in Adsense a few minutes ago and realized that Google Adsense is changing its layout again. It is just a minor change on home screen in Adsense V3. Read More
No advice, just sympathy. If you've ever wondered if others are in the trap you're in, this quick read will come as a big relief—and let you have a laugh at how absurd your customers can sometimes be.

Goes well with a strong cup of coffee and an aspirin. :-) Read More
Looking through the anatomy of an effective advertiser is even harder than looking for Superman’s weakest body part for several reasons. One, we don’t call ourselves advertisers. That noun is so lame… advertiser. It sucks. We call ourselves by our names first and then by our job titles, Art Directo Read More
What should you be willing to spend monthly on marketing for new cash paying clients! Proven methods for exploding your business with growth, using the power of marketing pyramiding through reinvestment, and more... Two reliable formulas, both very easy to use. Read More
If your new website does not appear on Google search lists, or if your website suddenly disappeared from the search list, the possible reason is that you are Google banned. If Google has banned your website, you will not be able to see your site in the search listings, as the search engine removes Read More

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