There are 80 Things I Wish Someone Told Me About Small Business Advertising in my first 80 days at work to the rest of my advertising life easier. Unfortunately, I had to go and learn some of these things the hard way. Fast forward to several pounds after, things did eventually work out but I will Read More
A good way to get the information you want is to ask for it. No matter the media buying process or depth of information collected on an advertising RFP, being specific means being efficient. Read More
You know that certain people have a certain image. You have the geeks, the jocks, the rebels, the loser, the formal ones, the perfect gentleman, the sexy one, the slutty one, the asshole, etc.

You want someone that has one, first and foremost. Yes, everyone has one but some don't do their image Read More
According to comScore, Google's Display Network is the 3rd largest advertising network in the industry and reaches 82.7% of the online advertising audience in the US. If you want your ads in front of US-based prospects across the Internet, then Google’s Display Network is one of the easiest way to Read More
I had a client ask me for a quick way to figure out if the advertising that they were doing was working. It was a great excuse to make a template that would do just that! Calculating your Return On Investment. Download the Free Template today! Read More
Groupon is an advertising platform especially for small businesses and not a sales site. You read that right. Groupon is all the rage and many small businesses have been wanting to join the party because of what seems to be clearly a sales generating site. There is power in numbers. Even when they Read More
Confused by what to do when your paid ad doesn't "work"? You're not alone!

If a paid advertising effort produces $0 in increased revenue, why would running that SAME ad (with no changes) in the SAME publication somehow produce MORE income? Zero times any number is always zero. Read Read More
Foursquare is a new location-based app that lets customers check-in to locations and access free rewards or deals. This presents a substantial mobile marketing opportunity for owners and social media markets to use Foursquare for business. How can you use Foursquare for business? Read More
Whenever you put out a material, the one thing that will grab people by the throat is the consumer benefit. Tell them what they are bound to gain if they join your promo or buy your product or do whatever it is that you want them to do. We wrote about that too in more detail on our past post... Read More
Advertising copywriting tips is one of the topics that is so hard to write because there have been many attempts to write about this in the past. Type the topic on Google and you will have at least 40 pages of write ups about this. It is also something that not everyone can be good at. Don’t get me Read More

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