The last thing you want to think about when bringing on a new employee is endless paperwork. That’s why we asked 11 entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) the following question:
“What’s one best practice you use to make employee onboarding seamless, even as your company gets larger?” Read More
If your plan for welcoming millennials into your company includes plugging them into tired processes and systems that have been around for years you may want to think again. That’s definitely the case when it comes to making sure your employee recognition programme is up to the job of attracting an Read More
There are some powerful trends shaping today’s employee recognition programmes. One of the greatest shifts comes from developments in mobile technology, which goes hand in hand with the mobile first generation, millennials. Read More
Not everyone is fit for a career in sales. What personality traits are ideally suited for sales career? Here are the tips. Read More
survey reveals that 84% of organizations are currently using social media for recruitment. This is an increase from the 56% of organizations which were using social media in 2013. Read More
How can you help new employees make a smooth transition into your small business? Simple: with a well-planned employee onboarding program. Here are 5 key elements to designing one. Read More
With Valentine's Day this weekend, we wanted to take some time out to show some love to Human Resources. HR is the strategic force that helps the company run smoother, grow bigger, and perform better. Read this article to learn a few reasons we love HR. Read More
Making efforts to provide a pleasant working environment for employees should be at the top of every business leader’s priorities. It can affect turnover rates, productivity and, ultimately, profits. Listed below are some of the factors that should be considered when planning your office design for Read More
Benefits, bonuses, uniforms, coffee—the extra costs of hiring an employee can add up VERY quickly. Before you decide to add to your small business team, make sure you understand the true cost of an employee. This infographic breaks it down. Read More
By applying these five tips, not only you can motivate your employees, but you can also improve your business performance. Read More

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