Absenteeism has a significant adverse impact on your business. According to the Oxford Dictionary, absenteeism is defined as "the practice of regularly staying away from work or school without a good reason." This says it all! Read More
When you start a company or promote for a new position you often start to build your own personal brand. You want people to see you as an authority.
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The benefits of utilizing an independent contractor identify many of the problem areas businesses run into when hiring employees. The ability to “1099” some individuals allows businesses to walk the fine line of having the advantages of a staff without the disadvantages of paying a staff. Read More
A successful business depends on a healthy relationship between the employers and the employees . One of the best ways to establish this is through employee handbooks. The handbook is a compilation of company policies, procedures, and expectations clearing up confusion and avoiding conflict down… Read More
Virtual Assistants offer significant money saving advantages over doing time-consuming things yourself, or hiring a burdensome employee who adds a slew of extra overhead costs to your business operations. Read More
A good virtual assistant is an amazing help to your online business and can be the difference between stagnant profits and huge growth. But what do you do when your VA isn’t working out? Read More
How much should you budget for a virtual assistant? The reasons you should not expect to pay $5 an hour for a professional virtual assistant. Read More
On top of showing faith in staff, workplace equality makes good business sense, too. Here are just a few of the reasons why. Read More
Mentoring is an important approach to career and leadership development. The mentor/mentee relationship is very important for career development. It can provide valuable career guidance through coaching and feedback. Mentoring can be a catalyst to a learning organization that is growing or in its i Read More
Encouraging staff members to try out and use new systems is always a challenge. A social intranet can be particularly intimidating and difficult to establish, especially if you have a large number of employees. How then, do you help get employees on board, keep them engaged with your new software, Read More

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